Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Err, I recently stumbled upon a site that translates your plaintext, human langauge into Jologs language. I've never really used the jologs, or the text language, which is annoyingly very widely used here in the Philippines as it really irritates me. I always wonder how people I text put so much effort in keying in text entries like "Hi pFouH, MuZta, nA pFouH???" and the likes.

I know it annoys me, but I find it pretty funny that the author of this site even bothered to create a website like this. I give you the thumbs up for effort alone. I tried some phrases and see what it looks like in jologs language

Normal: kamusta kana pre? me lakad ba tayo mamaya? Jologs: kmuSta Kna PrE, n0h? Me lkD ba Tau mmYa?

Normal: Oh, I dropped my phone on the floor, sorry for the late reply
Jologs: oh, I DRoPPeD my phOne on D FlOOr, SoRry foR D L8 REPlY

Normal: Heya, whats up? how's work?
Jologs: heYA, Wtz uP, n0h? how'Z WORk? It can be quite funny though, try to check it out.

Jologs Translator

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