Saturday, March 27, 2010

Simplify network design

Hi guys! It's me once again! I noticed that during these past few days, I notice that I'm gettin more and more active on this blog, as I share some tech/networking related tools/features that would most likely help many of our cisco/network guys out there.

Going back to my usual stuff, I found out this link.

Ciscoweb tools: Designer

It's a pretty neat tool, which I guess has been available for quite sometime, which helps us in planning and choosing the right equipment, design and the deployment for our equipment.

It asks us, for example, the number of users, how many branch offices(if applicable), if there will be remote users, what kind of connectivity do we plan to use, e.g. Private Leased WAN or the internet, the security you'll use, the technology we are going to use e.g. VoIP, storage, proprietary applications, etc... all that stuff. And you can choose to answer the questions in the form of a simple, radio button type of interview.

I usually design for medium sized to enterprise networks, having those in mind, I came up with this.

Click on the image above to see the picture clearly.

Pretty neat eh? Try this one out, and see different results for different network scenarios and needs. Enjoy!

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